The Plan

Building a New Elementary School in Edgmont Township

Based on enrollment trends and input from district staff, parents, and community members, building a new elementary school in Edgmont Township is a high priority for Rose Tree Media School District. Building a new elementary school will address current overcrowding issues, meet the needs of our growing student population, and maintain our district’s commitment to the neighborhood school model.

After reviewing 23 potential sites for the new elementary school, the location near 1501 Middletown Road, in Edgmont Township, was selected as the best option to meet the goals of our district and community. A new elementary school in the township addresses the high enrollment growth in the one area in the district that currently lacks a school and minimizes the number of students impacted by attendance boundary changes.

Rose Tree Media School District purchased one parcel of land and entered into an agreement for the second parcel of land, began pre-design work, and submitted the appropriate applications per the direction of township officials to permit the construction of a new elementary school.

The district is committed to working in coordination with Edgmont Township officials and the community to ensure the new elementary school meets community educational needs and technical requirements and aligns with the Township’s overall planning goals.

The Proposed New Elementary School Will

Features of the Proposed New Elementary School

  • Serves approximately 400 elementary school students

  • Provides approximately 63,500 square feet of educational space

  • Sits on a 38-acre site

  • Provides open spaces for outdoor classrooms, nature, and future expansion

  • Minimizes environmental impact (net-zero energy consumption)

  • Enhances recreational opportunities for the District and local community: sports fields(soccer) and playgrounds

  • Provides a modern facility designed to support active, flexible, student-centered classrooms and learning environments.

The Cost of the Project

Rose Tree Media School District has been planning a new elementary school for several years as part of its long-term plan. The funds associated with the cost of a new elementary school will come from bonds that will be paid for out of expenses collected from property taxes under the Act 1 Index.

Once final permission has been granted to build the new elementary school, consultants will reevaluate the cost of materials and labor to build the school and the website will be updated with official costs and additional information.

Note: Previously available funds for this project had to be utilized within a certain time limit or be given back. Due to the delay in constructing a new elementary school, those funds were utilized for school maintenance and other capital projects from the District’s long-term planning priority list.

Current Status of Development

The construction of a new elementary school in Edgmont Township requires the approval of a zoning text amendment by the Township Board of Supervisors. Rose Tree Media School District worked with township supervisors and officials for three years on site selection, building design, site requirements, and the process of applying for the required land use application and zoning text amendment. The district updated building design plans based on requests from township officials which resulted in over $2 million in additional construction costs for the new elementary school.

At no point in this process did township officials raise concerns about the suitability of the land for a new elementary school.

Despite this collaborative process, the Edgmont Township Board of Supervisors denied the district’s Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Application. Rose Tree Media School District filed a legal complaint and land use appeal against Edgmont Township, arguing that in voting to deny the zoning text amendment, the Board of Supervisors acted in violation of the township’s own zoning ordinance and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code by not first providing public notice and conducting a public hearing and violated Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Act by deliberating in private.

The matter is currently in mediation, and the district remains committed to resolving this dispute in good faith. We remain steadfast in our commitment to collaborating with township officials and our community to build a new elementary school in Edgmont Township and provide the best educational experience for our students.