Legal Updates

Building a New Elementary School in Edgmont Township 

Addressing overcrowding in its elementary schools is the most pressing challenge for Rose Tree Media School District.  

Beginning in 2015, the district observed a large amount of residential development and a steady student enrollment increase. Through a series of demographic studies, student capacity analyses, and facility condition assessments, Rose Tree Media School District determined that additional educational space was required to address overcrowding in its current elementary students and meet the needs of a growing student population.  

A New Neighborhood School to Serve Families in a Growing Residential Area

The school board determined that the best solution to address increasing enrollment pressures would be to build a new neighborhood elementary school in the Edgmont Township area. The township is one of the fastest-growing residential areas in the district and the only municipality that does not have a public school.  

In February 2019, the district began meeting with the Edgmont Township Board of Supervisors to discuss a property search in Edgmont and received positive feedback and input in this endeavor. In total, Rose Tree Media School District evaluated 23 potential sites in Edgmont Township for a new elementary school.  

Purchasing Land and Designing Plans to Meet Shared Goals  

After extensive research and following recommendations from Edgmont Township officials and internal and external experts, the district determined that two parcels of land in Edgmont Township met the educational needs, technical requirements, and transportation and safety goals for a new elementary school and advanced the township’s overall planning goals.  

In 2021, the district purchased one parcel of land and entered into an agreement for the second parcel of land. The district also met with Edgmont Township to discuss the process of gaining approval for land development. Edgmont Township representatives requested specific changes to the site and building plans to make sure the building would serve the community. Township representatives also recommended that the district file a zoning ordinance text amendment for land development in the R-1 zoning district for conditional use.  

Rose Tree Media School district initiated preliminary design work and adapted the proposed site and building plans based on input provided by township representatives. Nineteen large-scale technical documents were developed with both formal and informal feedback from township professionals. Requested changes from township representatives added over $2 million to the overall construction costs for the new elementary school.

Property Suitability for a New Elementary School Never Questioned 

For nearly two years, Rose Tree Media School District shared information, adapted plans, and followed recommended processes for land development approval. At no point during this process was the suitability of the selected property for a new elementary school questioned by township representatives.  

Filing a Zoning Text Amendment Per Township Direction  

Following direction from the Edgmont Township Board of Supervisors, Rose Tree Media School District filed a Preliminary Subdivision and Land Development Application. This application included a zoning text amendment allowing for elementary school use in the R-1 zoning district by conditional use. The amendment included strict parameters to ensure that no additional residential, commercial, or industrial development would be permitted in the township under the text amendment. 

Surprising Denial of Zoning Text Amendment 

After working for three years with Edgmont Township on a site for a new elementary school, the Township Board of Supervisors, in a surprising reversal of their earlier support, voted to deny the district’s zoning text amendment without a hearing or public input. 

Committed to Serving Students and Families in Edgmont Township 

Rose Tree Media School District is steadfast in its commitment to building a new elementary school that best meets the needs of families in the Edgmont Township area and helps advance the township’s planning goals.  

The district filed legal action against Edgmont Township, arguing that in voting to deny the zoning text amendment, the Board of Supervisors acted in violation of the township’s own zoning ordinance and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code by not first providing public notice and conducting a public hearing, and violated Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Act by deliberating in private.  

Rose Tree Media School District, the Edgmont Township Board of Supervisors, and attorneys representing residents in Edgmont Township will enter into mediation in late February 2024 regarding the denial of a zoning ordinance amendment to build an elementary school within the township. 

The district will continue to act in good faith to reach a mutually beneficial solution that provides a new neighborhood elementary school for families in the district and respects the interests of township representatives and residents.

Status Update

Rose Tree Media School District has entered into mediation with the Edgmont Township Board of Supervisors and attorneys representing a group of residents from Edgmont Township regarding the denial of a zoning ordinance amendment to build a new elementary school within the township.